Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) – A summary

Darlene Lancer
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is actually a, pathological mental disorder.

The condition is frequently very misdiagnosed with the medical community and more often than not ignored and unrecognized by society as a whole.

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All people are narcissistic in a degree. It’s only natural to love and respect oneself; without such self-regard, mankind could not have evolved with a world.

The narcissist: extreme pathological self-centeredness But NPD is a severe distortion of areas of the self-love, deviating widely from normal personality functioning. It is not to be wrongly identified as “traits” or elements of a person’s personality or mood. It’s a debilitating, pathological disorder which prevents the narcissist from contributing to society and almost always leads to destructive, anti-social behavior towards others.

An individual who is affected with NPD – a narcissist – suffers from extreme self-centeredness.

The narcissist lacks empathy for others.

Given his self-regard, he could be struggling to notice that any action he takes could be unacceptable in society. Shame isn’t a feeling he ever experiences.

The narcissist has a complete inability to acknowledge that he’s imperfect; even during situations where he could be made to admit mistakes, he will nonetheless construct elaborate justifications, often internally, which explain the down sides he caused as the fault of others.

Unsuccessful in friendships and intimate relationships Because of his lack of empathy persons, a narcissist rarely has many close, intimate friendships. In terms of romantic relationships, he’s rarely successful in intimate, mutually loving experiences, while he cannot accept that the requirements another person could be as essential as his own.

He could be not capable of understanding and paying attention to others. The interests and hobbies of most people are non-existent to him. It is not simply that they assumes other individuals as part of his life share exactly the same interests because he does; it’s that they just cannot comprehend that another individual could be enthusiastic about something besides what interests him at the time.

The narcissist doesn’t recognize feelings on other occasions.

The narcissist is so unaware of the emotions of others that his emotional intelligence is usually a toddler.

Such as a small child, he’s incapable of controlling his own emotions. He doesn’t know that his feelings originate from within and can control his very own emotions. He continues through maturity using the child-like thought external events and folks are entirely responsible for his moods and that he is helpless to regulate himself.

This insufficient emotional self-control usually manifests itself in wild and violent moodiness. The narcissist might be pleasant and fun in a single minute, but also in the subsequent minute angry, screaming, and breaking plates.

The narcissist is not capable of recognizing that his violent moodiness are irrational, anti-social and pathological; if pressed, his never-ending should maintain his fantasy of self-perfection will cause him to warrant his behavior since the “fault” of outside people and events.

Not like society’s mistaken understanding, the narcissist’s overwhelming problem is not extreme self-love, but alternatively lack of ability to recognize and love others as separate beings. To make up, the narcissist creates an over-exaggerated picture of himself, his triumphs and his awesome importance. With this sense, NPD is easily the most extreme form of anti-social mental disorder.

The narcissist needs to control others, as they is unfit to be accepting that his fantasy of mega self-importance is just not true. When he cannot exert his control over others – quite simply, when other people act in accordance with their unique freedom and never in accordance with his whims and needs – the narcissist struggles to cope, and definitely will react by flying in a rage or escaping the specific situation to preserve his perverted a sense power.

The narcissistic rage was analyzed by Heinz Kohut in the early 1970s.

Narcissism starts when they are young Most research has shown that pathological narcissism isn’t a bioloical trait, but rather a failure of character development.

NPD begins from a young age. One common cause is parental neglect. In families in lower socio-economic circumstances, this manifests itself in outright neglect in the child, numerous hours through the day in which the child is unattended and ignored. In families in particularly high socio-economic levels, parental neglect takes the form of “care-by-nanny”, the location where the child has very little contact with his parent(s), often even if it’s just surviving in the same house as them, and is raised by a never-ending stream of live-in nannies.

Should you, or a friend or acquaintance, is suffering mental and/or physical abuse as a result of a narcissistic psychopath, you must immediately discuss the situation with your friends and family, and together consider seeking specialist help.

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